Reinventit Reinvent It to keep it out of the landfill
Reinventit Reinvent It to keep it out of the landfill. I don’t bother painting my kids toys anymore… Honestly, I am too busy for that. But I interchange the parts, or I just use the colors that are with it…..
I like to design things around what is given to me. So my son LOVES Scooby, and we have an older blue Little Tikes Cozy Coupe II Patrol Car, and I just made him some stickers. No paint involved. He’s happy, and I can use it for a Police car again in the future.
Even some of the more popular mods, you could just buy two cars, and swap out the parts to get different color schemes.
For example the Little Tikes 30th Anniversary police car, with the red 30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe. Then you would have two yellow columns, yellow roof, grey columns, and a white roof, and a red body, and a black body. So you would have yellow and black for one car, and red, grey and white for the other…. Minnie mouse? Batman? Princess? VW? The possibilites are endless… And they would be brand new. You could resell them, without wasting anything. Or mixing these parts with older coupes, and making them new again… #outofthelandfill.
#reinvent I like that… I want my customers to be able to sell their toys again after their kids are done with them. I want families, to pass these toys on to the next generation. I am tired of wasting, I am tired off seeing things thrown away, because we had too much.
I will try to add posts, where I change around my kids toys, without painting. I got a lot of them…..