DIY Kids Play Kitchen using a Plastic Tote. For a quick and simple play kitchen, try using a plastic tote, along with some decals. We have decals to make a regular Plastic tote into a child’s play kitchen with room to store all the food, dishes and pans. All you have to do is peel and stick. Custom sizes are available, just email for details. You can also use these for entertainment unit and cupboard remakes. Any thrift store find can be converted into a play kitchen using paint, and some decals.
DIY Kids Play Kitchen using a Plastic Tote: Decal Sets
Our decals have a strong adhesion, so they will stick to most surfaces, including wood, plastic, and metal. Even painted plastic surfaces, just be sure the paint adheres to the plastic. Most paint that is intended for plastic will adhere strong enough.
DIY Kids Play Kitchen using a Plastic Tote
This set, which consists of four burners, can be found here:
There is two 3 3/4 inch burners, and two 5 inch burners with this set, plus a dial decal, and an oven panel. All are high quality decals, along with high quality graphics.
There are many more designs to come. All the colors can be changed, and all the decals can be resized. This service is only available if we have the time, and a fee may apply. As the size increases, so will the price. Please email us for further information.
Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover. What kids doesn’t love icecream, and what kids doesn’t love the idea of driving thier own car! Put those two ideas together and you have the Icecream Cozy Coupe Truck. For this Cozy Coupe Redo I used a Princess model of the Cozy Coupe II, so I didn’t have to paint it.
Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover: Find a Second Hand Coupe
An Icecream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover: Remove the Old Decal, and Throughly Wash it.
An Icecream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover: Remove the Old Decal, and Throughly Wash it.
Removing the old decals is a bit of work, but well worth the effort. I have a more detailed instructions on removing decals here. Once the old ones are going you can do so much to change the car. You can repaint it, or add new decals. I sell new decals for most of the Little Tikes foot to floor cars on Ebay, and Etsy. For this particular Cozy Coupe Makeover, I used my set here. But I have lots of other styles that would look nice on this cozy coupe without having to repaint it.
Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover : Apply the New Decals
Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover : Apply the New Decals
My kits contain everything that you need to make your coupe look like an ice cream truck. The front grill, the license plate, the dash, mirror, tail lights, door logos, front logo, and 2 logos for the back pillars, and some extra ice cream decals.
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires : Replace a missing tire with new parts
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires. I cannot tell you how many Cozy Coupes from Little Tikes I rescued from the garbage, or recycling, just because they were missing a tire, or front wheel assembly. Maybe people don’t have the time, or energy to fix them, but maybe they just don’t think they can. So here’s what I know of how to fix them, in the hopes that more are rescued from the landfills.
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires:
Find Replacement Parts
Little Tikes offers lots of replacements parts, and you can get them from just calling the 1-800 number that is printed on your toy, or on their website. If they don’t have cozy coupe kits with the wireforms available anymore, then you can find sellers on Ebay who will offer what you need.
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires :
Vintage 1980s Original Model Cozy Coupe: Front wheel Assembly Replacment
With the older 1980s vintage models, the front wheels, and wireforms are quite different from the newer models, but you can modify the newer parts to fit them. The major differences are in the wireforms.
Front Left Little Tikes Cozy Coupe wireform comparisons. and measurements, Vintage 1980s vs 1990s model (no eyes) vs the 30th anniversary, (has the eyes). These measurement go from the edge of the rod, to the notch that catches the washer to hold the tire or bushings in place.All the wireforms have this notch. My measurement are from this notch to the end of the rod. This is the important measurement to understand.
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires :
Equal Sizes for Both Front, or Both Back is Important
There are two forms needed for the front, a right and a left. If you are unsure which one you need, I’ll put that to an end now. You need both, as the angle is different, and the newer tires are larger so you have to replace both wireforms and tires at the same time. If both your vintage tires are still useable then you could use them. The idea is that it must be the same on both sides. So the tires must match, and the wireforms must match each other.
Comparison of vintage Little Tikes cozy coupe tire vs a 30th Anniversary model coupe
Yes it sounds expensive, but if you sell the parts you don’t need, that can cut the cost down a bit. I know it is not hard to list them on Ebay and sell them. Maybe have a peak on Ebay first to see if someone is selling a vintage tire, or wireform before ordering new parts from Little Tikes.
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires :
Removing The Old Parts
A word about dismantling your older coupe. If you can avoid pulling off the old version cap nuts, do it, as they are VERY hard to pry off. And if someone knows a trick to this I would love to hear it.
Old Little Tikes vintage cozy coupe cap nuts, vs the new cozy coupe cap nuts. These cap nuts are quite universal too.
I think I found the easiest way to get them off is with a pry bar and a hammer and just tapping the pry bar with a hammer to wiggle it off. But rarely any of them were able to put back on. I just pull off the top cap nut and the rest of the wheel assembly will come off all together.
Removing just the top cap nut will leave you with the vintage wheel assembly still all together. Ready to sell on Ebay to someone else.
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires:
Save Your Old Parts if Possible
Definitely try to save the original bushings, as they are shorter, and can make assembly easier. If you don’t have them, or you are going to use them with on another car, you can use the newer ones, but then you need to increase the length of your upper straight length, the part that goes through the body of the car.
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires:
Measure Your Cut
Once you have both tires and wireforms off, put on the new version ones. They will be too long for the older coupe, but you can measure them out on where to cut them. The length will change depending on whether you have the old or new bushings. So measure them with the bushings you are going to use. Give yourself a good 2 cm of clearance on the top. If you find the wheel is a little loose you can pry off the newer version cap nut much easier recut the wireform, and put it back on. Obviously if you cut it too short, you won’t be able to use it, so really put a lot of thought into the length. And as I said before, you have to replace them with either two new wheel assemblies, right and left sides, with wireforms, and wheels, or find some vintage parts you need, and replace them. If you end up replacing with all new parts, please sell the old stuff you had. I promise you there is someone out there who needs that left tire you don’t anymore. 🙂
How to Fix Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wheels or Tires
Make Your Cut
So here you are, you have two new 30th anniversary wireforms, and two new tires from a 30th anniversary, how do you make it fit your coupe. Easy cut it with a hack saw to the right length.
Just cut it with a hack saw
A vise grip holding it to a work bench makes life easier, but I have to admit I have tried several Macguiver type set-ups and it still worked out fine.
I’ll be adding more to this hopefully adding links and more pictures and stuff. Please feel free to ask questions. I will try to answer as quickly as I can.