Tag Archives: Foot to floor

How to Fix the Headlights on your Little Tikes 30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe

How to Fix the Headlights on your Little Tikes 30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe

How to Fix the Headlights on your Little Tikes 30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe. This model originally came with plastic push in discs for the headlights and tail lights. They can get pulled off, or broken, so I designed a couple of choices for decal replacements.

It is important to note, that you must place these directly on the body of the coupe. So you must remove the plastic push-in discs first. You can use a flat head screwdriver to pry them off.

I can also change the colors as well, so if you have a custom coupe you have in mind, just send me an email. These can even help you to customize your coupe to suit a particular look you are wanting. It still may be possible to contact Little Tikes for replacement plastic parts, but at the time of writing this, it was not possible. To check, call the 1-800 number on your toy.

These can be easily resized to suit any car, I have this listing for most diameters, but I can custom size it for any project. Just send me an email.


How to Fix the Headlights on your Little Tikes 30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe. Headlights and Tail lights decals regular set.


You can buy them here:

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How to Fix the Headlights on your Little Tikes 30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe. Headlights and Tail lights decals Smooth Rounded set.


You can buy them here:


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Ebay Here


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How to Fix the Headlights on your Little Tikes 30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe. Headlights and Tail lights decals Batman Inspired Yellow and Black set.

You can buy them here:

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Amazon MX

How to Fix the Headlights on your Little Tikes 30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe. Headlights and Tail lights decals Detailed Realistic Set.

You can buy them here:

Or on



Amazon US

Amazon UK

Amazon CA

Amazon MX

Custom Orders are only available if I have the time. Color changes are quite easy, so email me, I might have time.

Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair

Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair

Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair
Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair

Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair

I have been thinking a while on a replacement decal for the Little Tikes Classic Pick up Truck. The body design doesn’t feel finished without it. So I created two designs. I can customize them as well.


The front grill 1 .

Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair
Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair

I have it listed here on Ebay:

Here on Etsy:

And here on Amazon:

And Front Grill #2


I have it listed here on Ebay:

Here on Etsy:

And here on Amazon:




Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair
Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair

Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair
Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair

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Replacement Grill Decal Little Tikes Pickup Cozy Truck Fix Repair

Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover

Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Make Over Ice Cream Truck
Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Make Over Ice Cream Truck

Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover. What kids doesn’t love icecream, and what kids doesn’t love the idea of driving thier own car! Put those two ideas together and you have the Icecream Cozy Coupe Truck. For this Cozy Coupe Redo I used a Princess model of the Cozy Coupe II, so I didn’t have to paint it.

Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover: Find a Second Hand Coupe

The best place to find them are at thrift stores, Craigslist, Kijiji, or on a Facebook Group like Little Tikes Toys & Furniture Online Retail Shoppe.  I have found some by dumpsters, and on the curb as well.

An Icecream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover: Remove the Old Decal, and Throughly Wash it.

An Icecream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover: Remove the Old Decal, and Throughly Wash it.
An Icecream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover: Remove the Old Decal, and Throughly Wash it.

Removing the old decals is a bit of work, but well worth the effort. I have a more detailed instructions on removing decals here. Once the old ones are going you can do so much to change the car. You can repaint it, or add new decals. I sell new decals for most of the Little Tikes foot to floor cars on Ebay, and Etsy. For this particular Cozy Coupe Makeover, I used my set here. But I have lots of other styles that would look nice on this cozy coupe without having to repaint it.

Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover : Apply the New Decals

Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover : Apply the New Decals
Upcycling: Ice Cream Truck Cozy Coupe Makeover : Apply the New Decals

My kits contain everything that you need to make your coupe look like an ice cream truck. The front grill, the license plate, the dash, mirror, tail lights, door logos, front logo, and 2 logos for the back pillars, and some extra ice cream decals.